The principal of the platform which hosts this site – Lexblog’s Kevin O’Keefe – in reviewing Bill Gates’ End of 2018 Gates Notes post – pulled out a line for examination whereby Gates indicated that the questions that he is asking now at 63 are not the same as they were in his 20s.
Specifically, the lifted language was: “Is Microsoft software making the personal-computing dream come true?
This prompted O’Keefe to review his thoughts as to his dream of making the blogging dream come true. See [HERE].
A little alteration and I now have this posts derivative title to serve as a prompt for my post today.
Is Justice Smiles Flowing toward Good Neighborly Relations?
Let’s start by gaining an appropriate handle on the term “good neighborly relations.”
This is a term generally used in the overarching sphere of geopolitics as best I can tell.
So, the symbol of the UN which is a “magical” top down view of the world from the north pole in which we are able to see beyond the equator to also include those in the southern hemisphere is “held” by two olive branches.
The olive branches are an allude to God’s promise to Noah of peace after the Flood.
I am not sure that this allusion resonates with cultures beyond those in and perhaps on the periphery of those based upon Judeo-Christian values.
Nevertheless, Western culture originally set this mechanism in place and of course the institution itself is domiciled in the most cosmopolitan city of the world – New York.
Ok, great! Now we have the big picture. World Peace is concentric to Western Ideals. This is probably rather limiting, but apparently it’s that with which we have to work.
When I look at whether or not my company has made any bit of difference at this level, the analogy that comes to mind is not on the magnitude of “a drop in the bucket” but much more like “a drop in the ocean.”
At this scope the aim seems woefully audacious. It’s pure lunacy … right? I completely agree. At best, this is the level in which under normal circumstances head’s of state engage in diplomatic glad handlings.
At the other extreme, is where I have been working for the last decade. My stated job has been to help neighbors settle their legal dispute and properly document it.
In theory that should not be so tough. After all, reasonable people should be able to come to reasonable terms … right?
Unfortunately, by the time most people realize they should be talking to a lawyer, the matter is no longer merely a legal dispute to which the aid of rational thought can readily extract a solution.
No, the rational inquiry is just the tip of the iceberg. Below it are the emotional drivers of interpersonal conflict which extend deep below the waterline of the subconscious.
The upshot is that whereas the stated purpose is to settle disputes which are manifest on the ground, almost invariably there is a interpersonal conflict raging inside each of the parties.
Seeking to manage that conflict has been my challenge and it is one which has taxed my energy to the max. I’m simply tapped out.
But then it came to me. If I could only help people who are contemplating what I know to be a ‘suicide mission’ in a fight with their neighbors over something which when they later tally the tab will realize was insignificant to instead focus their energy positively, my firm can make a significant improvement in the world.
Bringing someone who is negative to a state of neutrality is just a drop in the ocean.
Turning someone who is negative into someone who is positive is to illuminate which then draws others to the positivity that the world needs now than it has in perhaps the last 3/4 of a century.
I’m reminded of a song which members of Bill Gates’ international polio-combating partner – Rotary – regularly sing …
Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me
Let There Be Peace on Earth
The peace that was meant to beWith God as our Father
Brothers all are we
Let me walk with my brother
In perfect harmony.Let peace begin with me
Let this be the moment now.With ev’ry step I take
Let this be my solemn vow
To take each moment and live
Each moment in peace eternally
Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me
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