Imagine enlisting a couple of buddies to go on the journey of a lifetime in pursuit of a dream which is going to require the sacrifice of the greatest each of them have to give.
How many people would go on this adventure? Now, add to it that there is a fair chance that it will turn into misadventure. Each of you could die of dehydration, starve, or any number of other issues that might occur.
It seems that a number of things are really necessary. First, the aim must really be vividly clear to everyone.
Second, the relationships between the friends must be really solid. One in which opposing views are not only tolerated, but encouraged in order to determine the best approach, while not damaging the relationship amongst individuals.
Third, it seems that the goal must remain both purposeful and attainable.
All of these areas are difficult, but this third one seems to be the most difficult.
Motivational speaker Les Brown seems to be the best at figuring out how to do this in my estimation.
He doesn’t have people attempt to go for the low hanging fruit. He also doesn’t seek to have people undertake the “impossible.”
He instead seeks for people to repeatedly say to themselves that which they dream about is … “possible.” Repeatedly, he extorts: “It’s possible.”
The use of the term “impossible” severs us from what can become with thoughtful, hard, deliberate work … not only possible, but later plausible.
Once, you pull something into the realm of plausibility, how much more effort does it take to bring it into the real of probability?
And once it’s to that point, how much more does it take just to finish the job and make it reality?
I don’t know enough about all these ideas of the “Law of Attraction” which seem to flow from Napoleon Hill’s works.
Yet, I do understand the idea of the concentric circles in which immediately beyond the person is their “sphere of control” and beyond that is their “sphere of influence.”
Beyond the “sphere of influence” is “everything else”. Ok, then. First, is there a strict boundary between the “sphere of influence” and “everything else?”
What happens when you start to understand and work together with your friends who have their own “spheres of control” and “spheres of interest?”
It seems that whether you have the goal of being a great entrepreneurial start up or one of the first on the scene in Jerusalem, whatever your vision is, if you hold tight to it and work it with friends you can trust … you will be able to find a way to succeed.
Even if you are predisposed to set aside the religious dogma, the triumph of the human spirit and its capacity to love in an imperfect world is what we celebrate tonight. Cheers!
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