justice-smiles-gold-large.pngI did a Rotary make-up at the University Sunrise Club of Seattle this morning. The guest speaker was Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna who of course is running for Governor in 2012.

Toward the end of the meeting and after a considerable preamble in which after acknowledging that it was a federal question; that while America had been a country of “outside-in” China is now moving forward on an “inside-out” strategy; and particularly in light of the fact that we were sitting at Ivar’s Salmon House at north Lake Union – a stone’s throw from the University of Washington: what was his stand on immigration?

McKenna’s response did not at all resemble the type of backward, hateful thinking coming from the SouthNo, instead Mr. McKenna suggested that everyone that receives an advanced degree should have a green-card stappled to it.

Interesting you say. How might this colorably affect boundary disputes, neighborliness, or both? Well, wouldn’t this mean that there are more people that live next to each other that might not have quite so similar backgrounds?

Sure, but I would suggest young students who are educated in the United States are the ones best acculturated to the US. Moreover, notwithstanding the chasm that exists between our region and some other regions of the US, in my humble opinion, these culturally adept world citizens are not at all bad to have as neighbors – they broaden our reach of understanding in a changing globe. What do you think?justice-smiles-gold.png