justice-smiles-red-large.pngWashington Real Estate attorney’s may be interested to take note that the WSBA’s Real Property Deskbook series (4th ed. 2010) Vol. 4: Causes of Action, Taxation, Regulation is available now for pre-order.

My library includes Volumes 1-3 in this series. I find these deskbooks to be extremely well thought-through, presented, and most importantly easy to negotiate.

That said; I am really looking forward to Volume 4. This is because it squarely addresses both the subject matter and procedural methods of resolving boundary disputes.

For those that may also be interested and able to move quick, you can save a few greenbacks by placing your order before the end of November. Costs all in (which includes shipping) are $182.32. I’ll comment further upon receipt.justice-smiles-red.png