I know. I know. It just isn’t fair!

Well, that’s right … It isn’t.

We would like to think that everything is good. And barring that, at least “I am good.” With the not often missing complement, … “and therefore, if you are not like me, you are bad.”

See, in law there are always

Seeking to define the survey terms of Gap and Overlap reminds me of what a colleague once said: “You know how on the East Coast people are up in your face and gruff, sometimes mean even? Well, they don’t mean it. Similarly, you know how people on the West Coast are pleasant and kind to

Bulldogs 65 – 71 Tarheels. Any lessons for Boundary Disputants?

I am going to venture that there is.

Quite a number of people think that they should go to an attorney who is a “real bulldog.”

The problem with this approach is that they are already signaling that they are already so emotionally charged that

Without naming it outright, yesterday I introduced “Kettle Logic.”

This is the term that Jacques Derrida – who came up with the famous line “form is content” (or some such in his native French) and many other concepts of deconstructionism – uses to describe the situation of throwing together a stew of contradictory logical claims.

In his 2008 book titled The End of Lawyers? Rethinking the Nature of Legal Services, futurist Richard Susskind in no less than two places speaks of a future in which legal consumers benefit from ‘a fence at the top of the cliff, instead of an ambulance at the bottom of it.’ 

No, no this

Several years ago when I was yet a “China Hand”, I would often hear those involved in Washington State politics refer to D.C. as “The Other Washington”. At the same time, people who live on the East Coast refer to “our” (local) politics as “The Other Washington”. I am quite certain that this hasn’t changed.

Today’s op-ed section of the Los Angeles Times leads with the intriguing question: “Why doesn’t James Comey run for President?” [1]

This of course is completely impractical with exactly one week to go until the 2016 election. But there is an important sentiment worthy of exploration here.

Just like this election in which many undecided

A Fulcrum Fact is my designation for the one particular, ambiguous fact for which the argued attached meaning determines the legal contest. 

First, recall a fulcrum is that point on a scale where balance is struck between the scale’s two sides. As such, if the weight and dimensions of both sides are equal then the

In a previous post, I indicated why I think Trump is making this bid for president. He want’s Fame! [1]

Think about it. The guy has plenty of money, but he’s getting older.

He has to be thinking to himself that it won’t be long before things like “Trump steak” will have any meaning.
