My Network response [HERE] to Survey Connect’s original comments [HERE] produced the reply titled “An example of throwing mud gains little ground” [HERE]. That’s kind of the point … throwing mud back and forth usually leads to much worse.
Now while Survey Connect’s two threads appear to have run their course and I am not interested in taking any unwarranted shots, I do yet seek to continue on with the rich churn which was generated.
Why so? Why prolong this at the risk of alienating those who comprise an industry which in the main I both admire and rely? Simple …
Because it seems that there are a number of surveyors – just as is the case as with members of all professional ranks, including certainly my own – who never found the higher ground of their profession’s code of ethics.
Fundamental Principles
Professional Land Surveyors uphold and advance the integrity, honor, and dignity of the land surveyors’ profession by:
- Using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare; [1]
- Being honest and impartial, and serving with fidelity the public, their employers and clients;
- Striving to increase the competence and prestige of the land surveyors’ profession; and
- Supporting the professional and technical societies of their disciplines. See About page of [HERE].
So, let’s pick up at the penultimate [Survey Connect] reply comment which quotes from Hamlet as such:
HAMLET Goes it against the main of Poland, sir,
Or for some frontier?
Captain Truly to speak, and with no addition,
We go to gain a little patch of ground
That hath in it no profit but the name.
To pay five ducats, five, I would not farm it;
Nor will it yield to Norway or the Pole
A ranker rate, should it be sold in fee.
HAMLET Why, then the Polack never will defend it.
Captain Yes, it is already garrison’d.
HAMLET Two thousand souls and twenty thousand ducats
Will not debate the question of this straw:
This is the imposthume of much wealth and peace,
That inward breaks, and shows no cause without
Why the man dies. I humbly thank you, sir.
Captain God be wi’ you, sir.
This is an integral part of the Poland Sub, Subplot – which due to Hamlet’s length – is often excised from the play. [2] But, instead of giving it the mere glancing thought which Hamlet affords within … let’s expand to find what this really entrails.
[Note the purposeful misspelling. Now let’s return …]
Hamlet of Denmark who’s dead father had previously engaged Norway in battle – i.e. had a dispute ostensibly for land – learns from a captain in Norwegian King Fortinbras’ army that instead of seeking to “return the favor” by attacking Denmark is going after some punty portion of land in Poland.
Hamlet, who whether asking the captain directly or perhaps instead merely thinking out loud, wonders: ‘Why, if the land isn’t worth squat, wouldn’t Poland simply give it up?’
As an important aside, unarticulated is the point that Hamlet might be much more interested in the question of why the heck should Fortinbras go after such worthlessness. My take is that this is by far the more important question and as such this chit-chat with the captain is also much more of an interrogation. So, notwithstanding Hamlet’s signoff courtesy, this would assist to explain why the Captain “blessed up” to Hamlet at the close.
Regardless, Hamlet had taken a moment to reflect on the situation a bit and thinks very briefly that either (a) the whole thing is madness; (b) 20 thousand men and as many ducats thrown after property which might be worth 5 [i.e. 4,000:1 – which may yet be more or less the ratio] may be fully plausible; or (c) both.
Hamlet then thinks about the type of men who would allow themselves to get into such a kerfuffle … and concludes that they are crazy.
You know what? Their right!
You know what’s more? I deal with them every day…!
So now with that said, let’s fast-forward from the days when “the Globe” was simply Bankside in Southwark, London [3], to just prior to The Globe’s separation into Axis and Allies. [4] Why?
Because while in the first case diplomacy ought to have been engaged in order to preserve life and wealth on both sides of a marginal, real property line fight.
However, in the second case, “When the blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank” [5], there was indeed “land grab” for the “main of Poland.” See [HERE].
So, what’s the point? I have two.
[1] I have sought to “embolden” those surveyors who daily aspire to the first line order. And why should I say “daily aspire”? The answer is because to make that happen you have to work at it each and every day.
Each and every day for those who are truly fit to call themselves “professionals” – as with those seeking the brass ring in whatever realm of service they devote themselves.
The unacceptable alternative is a life on – and quite likely off – the job simply punching the clock.
[2] For those who fashion themselves Hamlet aficionados who want a puckish rebuke of Hamlet’s length, see Rowland Atkinson and Hugh Laurie seek to trim down the time of Hamlet’s most famous soliloquy [HERE].
[3] See information about The Old Globe Theatre [HERE].
[4] For those wanting to consider purchasing the game of the same title, Go [HERE].
[5] See full lyrics for Sympathy for the Devil from the Rolling Stones album Beggar’s Banquet [HERE].
[6] The “Featured Image” is of David Bowie’s Cracked Actor [HERE].